
  • So happy it's Friday.  I spent the whole day out on the road visiting my small group clients.  So much work trying to drive in the rain while looking for the addresses.  Very glad it's the weekend.  I need rest.  I just have one more appointment I need to go to tomorrow morning at 10am.

    My father-in-law is here visiting until Sunday.  So we'll probably be hanging out eating and drinking tomorrow.

    But for now, I must go to bed again.  I feel like everyday when I check in, I'm just writing about how tired I am!  :(   But I am... I'll be much more rested tomorrow.


  • Another super packed day.  My first meeting today was at 11:00am.  That went on until 3:00pm.  Afterwards I delivered 2011 calendars to 7 group clients along with cakes.   I drove around rushing to get there and finish the last one before 4:30 so they’d at least have some time to enjoy the damn cake that won’t taste so good the next day.  I got back to the office around 5:45 and started preparing for my 7:30 appointment in Irvine.  I ended up not getting there till 8pm because there was just way too much stuff I’m behind on at the office.  I stayed at that meeting only for an hour, everything wrapped up at 9:00pm.  Finally got to have dinner at a plaza near by, and then headed to Target since they’re open later leading up until Christmas.  I love holiday hours.  I spent about 2 hours in there, but I only got 2 things.  A neck pillow for my son and a mommy hook. 

    I got home a little after midnight and everyone is sleeping already.  So quiet at night.  I love the peace and quiet at night.  I love staying up while everyone sleeps.  But these days, it’s too big of a price to pay the next day. 

    Speaking of night and sleep… it’s time for me to go to bed.  Long day tomorrow.


  • Wow, I feel really tired today.  And yesterday.  I was tired from the moment I opened my eyes.  More like sleepy.

    I've been on the phone pretty much all day, which means I've been talking non-stop all day too.  I like to talk, but I don't like to talk THAT much.  Then I went out on two appoinments, and the 2nd one finished at 10:00pm.

    Feels so good to be home.  Of course my son is sleeping already.  Kind of sad most of the nights I don't get to see him before he goes to bed.  But I'm going to wrap up here, wash up, and go bring him to bed with me.


  • I feel like there’s an endless list of things to do before I leave for Taiwan! 

    Like today I took Caleb to get another set of passport pictures taken for his visa.  Then tomorrow I need to turn it in to ‘get’ his visa. 

    Long day at work today too.  Though that story never changes.  I didn’t get to have lunch until 3:30pm today.  Stayed a little later at work until almost 8:00pm.  After which I rushed to Costco, then RUSHED to the Chinese market to pick up some more stuff we needed at home.  I’m constantly rushing around these days. 

    I got home around 9:45pm, brought all the groceries into the house, put them away, and started on the soup.  I need to have my soup.  Made pork bone soup with onions, carrots, a little scallion and ginger.  The whole house smells so good.  Can’t wait to have some in the morning.  I put different stuff in it everyday when I heat it up.  Sometimes in the morning I’ll scoop some out into a smaller pot, and when it starts to boil, I crack an egg inside to make a poached egg.  Other times after it starts to boil I’ll throw extra veggies in there like broccoli, or cabbage.  Some times it’ll be seaweed and eggs, or just fresh chopped scallions, or cilantro…. The list goes on.  I LOVE hot soup.  Oh!  And I LOVE dumping cooked rice into soup after it boils and eating it just like that.


  • I took my mom on to Vegas for a short weekend trip.  Just the two of us.  Well, it was supposed to be a trip for Seb and me, but my very confused husband that wasn’t paying attention when I asked him if he was free this past weekend when I booked the non-refundable rooms ended up having to work on Saturday.  WTF right?  So, I took my mom.  It was a nice, fun, relaxing trip though.  I love spending time with my mom.  We didn’t do much there except walk around a few casinos, went to Chinatown to eat, and slept.  I don’t even think we did anything Vegas related, but it was still nice to be in a different city spending a few days together just driving around, strolling, and eating.


  • Parent of Child?

    I took my mom to the kidney dialysis center today for her evaluation.  The doctors say she may need dialysis soon.  As we were walking in I knew this was hard for her even though she never likes to talk about it.  She had dialysis for two years a long time ago before her kidney transplant.  It’s been 20 years and the transplanted kidney is failing now.  And even though the kidney lasted for a time we didn’t dare imagine it could, receiving the news that it might not last much longer from the doctors was still very hard for her; and that was very hard for me. 

    When we stepped into the elevator I hit the button for the 2nd floor that said “Adults.”  The 3rd floor said “Children”.  Then I watched a child half of my height step in with his walker.  I pretended not to notice him.  But I took in everything about him,.....  He was young, and naive, his soul wasn't tainted yet, his face was puffy, probably from the steroid he was taking, or could be the fluid buildup in his body that he was here for to be hooked up to a machine for 4 hours 3 times a week to get his blood cleaned and water removed.  I felt my throat tighten as I walked past him and an older gentleman who is probably his father.  I wondered who this is harder for.  The child?  Or the Parent?


  • I didn’t get very much done at all today.  I slept in till 11:00am; caught up on some much needed sleep.  Felt good.  Then lounged around at home for a bit before heading out to South Coast Plaza.  It was kind of sprinkling when I headed out, and by the time I got to the mall it was really raining.   I didn’t mind it though, I kind of like rainy days. 

    I took Caleb around in the stroller not really stopping in any of the stores… just kind of window shopped.  I didn’t have that much time until the mall closed anyway.  For dinner we ate at Corner Bakery.  I ordered a soup/salad combo, tomato basil w/ half tuna salad sandwich on harvest bread.  The soup was tasty, but only good for about half the cup because I like my soup piping hot.  And half a cup was about how long it lasted.  Tuna salad sandwich was yummy too.  Haven’t had one of those in ages since I usually try to stay away from mayo. 

    We headed back around 8pm since I picked up dinner for Seb.  Curry Pork Katsu.  Got home, took everything out of the Styrofoam box, and arranged it nicely on a plate.  I helped eat 1/3 of it. You’re welcome, babe. 

    So, pretty much I did not nothing today except stroll around.  Now it’s time for bed.


  • Very quick post before bed...

    I'm gonna turn in early tonight.  Or at least hop into bed, maybe watch some tv.  Tired.

    Hung out at home for the earlier part of the day... Then Mom came over and we went to the Brea Mall together with my son and the nanny.  Mom bought two tops but I didn't buy anything.  Well, we didn't really shop in any of the stores I normally go, we just kind of walked around.  Kind of nice to get out of the house.

    I've been on Amazon all morning trying to pick out a lightweight stroller for my upcoming Taiwan trip.  I think I found one.  A pretty solid one I must say.  And the best part about it is it's only $52.  Didn't want to waste too much money on another stroller.  But I think I really need one for the trip since getting in and out of taxis and subways won't be easy with my BOB Stroller.

    ANY-way...... nothing spectacular today. 

    Seb has been out for a photoshoot since 2pm today, then after met up with friends for a college football game.

    Alrighty, that's it.  Going upstairs.

    Good night.


  • Checking in ...

    How is it the last I updated was 10 days ago! 

    We had a fun filled couple of weeks around here.  My in-laws came to visit from last Thursday to Sunday.  We had my son’s 1st birthday party at home for him on Saturday.  I think we had around 33 people over at our house.  We made prime rib, creamed corned, hors d’oeuvres, baked potato, LOTS of deserts.  LOTS of fun.  Though I think by the end of the night I was completely worn out.  I literally crawled into bed. 

    This week I started my cleaning again.  I’m done so much in the last few weeks that I’ve done in the last 3 years!  So excited.  I’m slowly going through all the drawers and cabinets in the house and really organizing.  Tossing out the garbage, moving things back to it’s rightful places, re-organizing the insides.  I’m not just hiding things out of site any more, but really getting deep in there and cleaning. 

    I’ve completed tasks that I’ve put off for a year!  Or two. 

    My husband walks past me this evening and say, “What’s gotten into you?”     ..LOL.  Kinda funny. 

    I wonder how long it’ll take for me to go through and organize each and every one of the drawers and cabinets in the house, because we have a lot.  But even if it takes a couple months, better than never cleaning them in 10 years.  I know for a fact there are garbage and clutter people never touch till the day they move out of that place. 

    I’m sticking with each of the zones for the week.  This week is the entrance and dining area, so I’ve cleaned all the wall base, threw out some junk that’s been sitting by our side door for months, wiped all the window seals, dusted all the photo frames and photo counter, wiped all cabinets near entrance and dining area, removed all clutter from these areas, cleaned out the drawers filled with shit that’s just taking up space. 

    Trying to get myself to bed earlier too.  So I’m gonna wash up and head to bed. 

    Good night.



  • RATS!

    I opened my car door this morning to get the car seat in, and I was greated by a RAT.  I felt every single hair stand up on my body.  Yuck.  He was scurrying under the seat.  It was the most disgusting rat with the longest tail I've ever seen.  Mickey Mouse here was probably just as scared as I was.  But I'm sorry, he just can't make a home in my car.  We spent 30 minutes trying to catch it with a broom and a trash bag.  Ewww.  Yuck.  NO luck.  So Seb sent me off to Home Depot to get a sticky mouse trap. 

    Even though we caught it, I think I'm still traumatized.  I feel kind of grossed out getting into the Prius now.  

    I also googled "rats in Prius",... and apparently other Prius owners have had the same problem.  Wth?